вторник, 31 марта 2009 г.

Даррелл, "Моя Семья", Трудности перевода

Это мои посты, первоначально вывешенные в гостевой на Даррелл.ру

От 23.Jul.2008
Давеча начал читать "Мою семью" в оригинале. Повлиял на меня вот этот пост в ЖЖ. Оказывается наши переводы изобилуют неточностями, зачастую целые абзацы просто выкинуты из контекста (думаю, цензура постаралась). Например, только что обнаружил маленький абзац, пропущенный в переводе. Джерри приходит подкрепиться к пастуху Яни и будит его при помощи Роджера.
Выкинутый абзац:
Yani grunted, wiped his moustache, and made his way to the nearest olive-tree and retired discreetly behind it. He reappeared, doing up his trousers and yawning, and came over to sit on the wall near me.
Как много нам открытий чудных готовит прочтение Даррелла в оригинале!
- Глава 8-я. Джерри описывает любовные утехи черепах. Русский перевод об этом стыдливо умалчивает. Давайте сравним:
Русский вариант:
После того как дама делала наконец свой выбор, мы сопровождали
счастливую пару в их свадебном путешествии по зарослям миртов и даже
наблюдали (скромно спрятавшись за кустами) заключительный акт романтической

А теперь анцензоред-вариант:

When the lady had eventually made her choice, we would follow the happy couple on their honeymoon among the myrtles, and even watch (discreetly hidden behind the bushes) the final acts in the romantic drama. The wedding night - or rather day - of a tortoise is not exactly inspiring. To begin with, the female performs in a disgracefully coy manner, and becomes heavily skittish in evading her bridegroom's attentions. She irritates him in this way until he is forced to adopt cave-man tactics, and subdues her maidenly antics with a few short, sharp broadsides. The actual sexual act was the most awkward and fumbling thing I had ever seen. The incredibly heavy-handed and inexpert way the male would attempt to hoist himself on to the female's shell, slipping and slithering, clawing desperately for a foothold on the shiny shields, overbalancing and almost overturning, was extremely painful to watch; the urge to go and assist the poor creature was almost overwhelming, and I had the greatest difficulty in restraining myself from interference. Once a male was infinitely more bungling than usual, and fell down three times during the mounting, and generally behaved in such an imbecile manner I was beginning to wonder if he were going to take all summer about it.... At last, more by luck than skill, he hoisted himself up, and I was just heaving a sigh of relief when the female, obviously bored by the male's inadequacy, moved a few steps towards a dandelion leaf. Her husband clawed wildly at her moving shell, but could get no foothold; he slipped off, teetered for a minute, and then rolled ignominiously over on to his back. This final blow seemed to be too much for him, because, instead of trying to right himself, he simply folded himself up in his shell and lay there mournfully. The female, meanwhile, ate the dandelion leaf. At last, since his passion seemed to have died, I rolled the male over, and after a minute or so he wandered off, peering about him in a dazed fashion, and ignoring his erstwhile bride, who regarded him unemotionally, her mouth full of food. As a punishment for her callous behaviour I carried her up to the most barren and desiccated part of the hillside and left her there, so that she would have an extremely long walk to the nearest clover patch.

- Глава 9-я. Полностью выкинут эпизод о любви Теодора к авиации.
- Очередное откровение в главе 18, где Джери со Спиро едут за золотыми рыбками. Замечательный диалог Мамы и Спиро:

'That's all right, Spiro. We were only afraid that you might have had an accident.'
‘Accidents?' said Spiro scornfully. 'I never has accidents. No, it was them piles again.'
'Piles?' said Mother, mystified.
'Yes, I always gets them piles at this times,' said Spiro moodily.
'Shouldn't you see a doctor if they're worrying you?' suggested Mother.
‘Doctors?' repeated Spiro, puzzled. 'Whats fors?’
'Well, piles can be dangerous, you know,' Mother pointed out.
'Yes, they can be if they're neglected.'
Spiro scowled thoughtfully for a minute.
'I mean them aeroplane piles,' he said at last.
'Aeroplane piles?’
'Yes. French I thinks theys are.'
“You mean aeroplane pilots'
'Thats whats I says, piles,' Spiro pointed out indignantly.
В кратце: Спиро объясняет маме, что он задержался из-за геморроя. Мама советует сходить к доктору а Спиро недоумевает, зачем. и только позже выясняется, что Спиро имеет в виду пилотов аэроплана (В английском слова Геморрой и Пилот созвучны)

Интересно, почему такой забавный диалог выкинут из книги? это цензура? или просто это невозможно адекватно перевести?

Осилив "Семью" осознал, что книга в страниц на 10 длиннее выходит...

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