суббота, 29 мая 2010 г.

Politics-Oriented Software development

Отличная статья для хитрого девелопера.
  • Descope early , Admit descoping late
  • Keep documentation brief enough to be kept up-to-date
  • specially if you're busy, keep a record of what you've done every day: either in your official timesheets or in private notes. Especially when under pressure it can be tempting to leave them to later: but this leaves you dangerously vulnerable when the blamestorming begin
  • Overtime only counts when people see it. It's usually better to do overtime in the evening than the morning, if there are more people around to see it. Weekend overtime is usually pointless since there are rarely witnesses.
  • better to do half an hour Monday to Thursday than two hours on Wednesday. It also sounds better to say: "I've worked late four nights this week." No-one will be keeping track that closely anyway.

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